Friday, March 22, 2013

So one more day till my 2 week liquid diet pre-op starts. Got all my goodies together that I will be needing. Feeling very excited that surgery is getting closer, however a bit nervous for all the changes.

Talked with dr today Im scheduled for 8am surgery and will have my pre-op this Wednesday! Exciting news!

Also Very excited to start walking in the mornings with my friend again monday. We took a little break.

Will post starting pics ( before ) and measurements April 7th .

Happy Friday!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March Goals..

Well I am still pre-op 23 days. However I will start my pre-op liquid diet on the 24th of March.
I am a HUGE coffee drinker and I have to give up coffee =( Seems like they want me to give it up forever.. however I am willing to give it up for 3 months and will try to stick to decaf once I resume.

March Goals:

#1- Get into habit of taking all my vitamins
#2- Stick to Pre-op diet
#3- Give up coffee =(
#4- Lose 10lbs Pre-op

Just me.

So I figured the best way to start my blog is to tell ya'll about me so here goes.

What is your earliest memory of being overweight or your first experience with dieting? That was the main focus/question during my Nut evaluation a month ago.... 7 years old..... I remember over hearing my sister, then 17, tell my mom " What I wouldn't  give to be 100 pounds" I remember running to her scale, jumping on , and seeing 107 and I thought to myself wow I am so lucky I AM 100 POUNDS!!! Now I was 7 and had nooooo idea i was over weight,  all I knew was my BIG sister would give anything to be my weight =)

My whole life feels like one HUGE diet. There is 10 years between my sister and I, so I grew up watching  her,  and my mom struggle to get thin. The crazy things they tried would be my future life lol. I have tried all the same ways to lose weight and like them it didn't work.

For me I struggle with GERD , severe acid reflux, and migraines. It has progressed so much that I am bed ridden 3-4 days a month minimum . Choosing this surgery was the best choice I feel I could have made. It will completely take away my GERD & Migraines. It will help me lose weight since my metabolism has snail speed due to damages from my GERD. I will be getting my life back!

I'm creating this blog to track of my progress during my journey, keep myself on track, and help motivate others! I will post monthly goals, weekly weight ins and measurements, and of course pictures.

until next time......